ESI-PGIMSR, ESIC MEDICAL COLLEGE DIAMOND HARBOUR ROAD, JOKA, KOLKATA, 700 104(A statutory body under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION

A walk-in-interview will be held on 21.07.2015 at 10 AM at ESIC Hospital & ODC (EZ), Joka immediate engagement and for drawing up a panel for future engagement for Sr. Residents under different schemes in ESI PGIMSR, ESIC Medical College and ESIC Hospital & ODC (EZ), Joka in the following departments/specialties. The panel may remain valid for a period of three months and may be cancelled/invalidated earlier without assigning any reason.

1. Anaesthesia
2. Biochemistry
3. Blood Bank
4. Chest Medicine
5. Dermatology
6. ICU
7. Medicine
8. Ophthalmology
9. Orthopaedic
10. Paediatrics
11. Pathology
12. Psychiatry
13. Radio Diagnostic

 Note : All the above posts are suitable for PWD suffering from not less than 40% disability and such PWD shall be alone eligible for the benefit of reservation. A list of the identified posts suitable for PWD has been given below.

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